Carrying a Dream - Peru docFollow Frederick Schuett and Jason Dekorte as they embark on a life-changing journey in the breathtaking mountains of Peru, where they...
Mountaineering in MexicoTwenty years ago, we offered mountaineering trips to North America's third highest mountain, El Pico de Orizaba. Two sixteen year olds...
MS Tower Challenge with ONE AXE Pursuits and King Sett CapitalRead all about the MS Tower challenge in downtown Toronto! MS was able to raise over $4 million by having teams rappel off the glass...
Adaptive ice climbing Climbing with a custom crampon fitted prosthetic makes ice climbing accessible for those who need adaptive and accessible climbing...
Ice climbing with Brown Girl Outdoor WorldWatch this video by CBC covering our BGOW group who was sponsored by Arc'teryx and opens up outdoor adventures such as ice climbing to...
The Elora Mill and Corporate Team Building Activities in EloraCorporate team building activities in Elora, Ontario